Environments - SURVEYOR
Measuring distances using Google maps Primary Middle Secondary Australian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy Australian Curriculum General Capability: ICT Capability
1. You are going to investigate Google Maps with a partner. Go to wikeHow: How to use Google Maps. Together go through the steps! 2. Go to Google's "Measure distance between points" and make the following measurements: a. The distance between
home and school. What is the fastest route on a bike? Walking? Car? Train?
Tram? Or a combination of these modes of transport 2. Street View. Go to "Get to Street View in Google Maps" and look at the view of your street and your house. When do you think this street view was captured? Has anything changed about your house? Garden? 3. To get an overview of satellite
imagery and 3D maps, go to Google
Earth. You will have to use Chrome for this view. Ask permission! 4. Discuss as a class what you have learnt from this tool.
Secondary Australian Curriculum General Capability: Numeracy Australian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy Cooperative Learning Activity
1. Form groups of 3 - 4 students and read the following article from The Conversation 5 August 2021 2. Using the Retrieval Chart Strategy, gather as much information as you can including images. 3. Combining with another group of students, the first group is to explain to the second group what they discovered. The second group is the question and report back to the first group what they now understood the article to be about and provide any new relevant information that the first group missed.
Websites, Games & Apps