Fun Activities

On The Job

Leisure and Entertainment - WRITER



Travel Writer...Extraordinary!

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking


1. You are to write a Travel Article about your last holiday or one that you thought was memorable.

2. Use the following websites, on how to write an one page [maximum] travel article, to help you:

How to write the Perfect Travel Article

How to write a Perfect Travel Article
10 Tips for writing travel articles

10 Tips for Writing Travel Articles

5 Easy Steps to Write the Perfect Travel Article

5 Easy Steps to Write the Perfect Travel Article

Breaking into Travel Writing: The 5 Elements of Writing Travel Articles

Breaking into Travel Writing

3. Share with a partner. What did you think was outstanding in this article? Did it make you want to go there? Why? Why not?

4. Go and have a look at the Australian Travel Bloggers' Facebook site to see if you travel/holiday destination was here too.

Australian Travel Bloggers

5. Reflection


Compare your writing to the ATB's one or your partner's writing. Where can you improve?



 Analysing Australia's Top 10 Writers

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking

ICTAustralian Curriculum General Capability: ICT Capability



1. Go to the following website: Interviews with 10 Australian Authors

Australian Authors

2. Listen to at least 2 Authors (each interview is 20+minutes long).

3. Write up the following questions:

a. What story are they describing?

b. What is the plot?

c. What was the process that each Author thought of to start writing?

d. Length of time to write the story? Time to get published?

e. The difference between the writer and an editor jobs? How much did the Editor control or change the story?

f. Did the time between writing and publishing change as these Authors got known?

g. What has the Author told you that you thought interesting?

h. Compare and contrast the Authors. Which Author did you like better? Why?

i. There are no Indigenous authors listed here. Why? Go to Sally Morgan's page and investigate this outstanding Aboriginal Author.




You are becoming a blogger!

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking

1. To become a blogger, you need to be passionate about a topic or subject. You also need to know about this topic and be prepared to research even more about it.

Decide on your passionate topic!

Discuss with a partner. Rules for discussion and feedback  - Don't put each other's ideas down - be constructive and positive! Be open.

2. Now that you have decided to blog on your topic, you need to research what has been done already on your topic.

Go to Medium and browse around. Look for your topic and read anything here on it. Reading


3. Go to the Blog Creation page on this website to see the free blog creation tools you can use. Select one.

4. Over the course of a semester, you are to write 10 - 15 blogs. Make them short and snappy!

After you have written your blog, send a text or email to your class mates and Teacher. Get feedback about:

  • Your style

  • Content

  • Interest and passion

This feedback treat seriously to improve your writing.


Ma'amalade sandwich Your Majesty?

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity


In June 2022, Queen Elizabeth celebrated being on the throne for 70 years - a Platinum event. Queen Elizabeth is renown for her sense of humour and apparently had the following video made before the event and the commencing of the Platinum Party with Adam Lambert & Queen - "We will rock you", as can be see here:

Ma'amalade sandwich Your Majesty?




You are to analyse this video looking at the story telling. In your notebooks, describe the elements of this story telling under the headings:








2. In groups of 3 - 4 students, look at each other's analysis and add to your own work.

3. Why do you think that the Queen wanted a video with Paddington Bear?

4. What impact did this video have? Record the date and number of downloads to state in your answer.

5. As a group, write a one minute interview with Paddington Bear after this encounter with the Queen.


Write a one minute interview with the personal assistant to the Queen and his reaction to the visit of Paddington Bear.

One student in the group is to be:

a. Paddington Bear/or Personal Assistant to the Queen

b. Interviewer

c. The Writer of the script

d. The Video recorder of the interview


6. In 2014, there was another Paddington Bear visits Buckingham Palace video:

Paddington | Visits Buckingham Palace



You are to analyse this video looking at the story telling. In your notebooks, describe the elements of this story telling under the headings:







7. What is different in the storytelling? Discuss in your group.



Optional Extra

What story would you tell of Paddington Bear and Buckingham Palace?

Write a brief outline.

Share with the class.  


Optional Extra

In 2012, at the opening of the London Olympics, the Queen and James Bond [Daniel Craig] made a spectular entrance:

James Bond and The Queen London 2012 Performance


What is your reaction to all these videos?

Primary activity

Maths & Ma’amalade sandwich Your Majesty?

While watching the video.... Find out:

Number of steps taken by the Aide de Camp to reach the tea room? Estimate the length taken.

How many chairs are in the red room? What is the difference between a chair and a sofa?

How many gulps of tea does Paddington Bear take before reminded that it is also for the Queen?
Approximately, how much tea is in each gulp? What is your reasoning?

How many times does the teapot slip from Paddington Bear's grasp?

What is the beat played by the Queen and Paddington Bear?


IMT WebQuests

Protistan Tales of Atlantic White Cedar Swamps (Science Writing)

High SchoolSecondary StarStarStarStarStar

CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy

Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning Activity

WebQuest: Protistan Tales of Atlantic White Cedar Swamps


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