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Community Corrections
Officers supervise offenders
placed on community-based supervision orders by the courts. They work with
offenders placed on probation, parole, community service and home
using counselling and intervention strategies to promote law abiding
behaviour and reduce the chance of re-offending.
Probation or parole officers monitor and work with
people serving probation, parole, community service and home detention
They work closely with offenders to develop a case
management plan, helping them meet their goals by arranging employment and
education, and providing other necessary assistance. Community corrections
officers conduct regular interviews with their clients to assess, monitor
and report on their progress.
The role of a probation and parole officer (PPO) within
Community Corrections is both fast paced and dynamic.
PPOs work as part of a team to supervise adult and
youth offenders who have been sentenced to a court order or have been
released from a correctional centre on a parole order.
As a PPO, you will work with offenders to ensure they understand the order
and the conditions they must comply with while encouraging positive changes
in their behaviour. You will complete assessments on offenders and make reports for the court
and the Parole Board.
ANZSCO ID: 411714
Alternative names:
Parole or Probation Officer, Probation and Parole
Knowledge, skills and attributes
A community corrections officer needs:
excellent interpersonal skills
excellent communication skills
good problem solving ability
maturity, patience, tolerance and
the ability to lead, inspire and
motivate others
You will need:

an ability to develop rapport and
build effective professional working relationships with a diverse range
of people
strong report writing and
administration skills
highly developed written and oral
communication skills
excellent problem solving and
time management skills
high integrity and resilience
an understanding of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander culture and demonstrated ability to relate to
people from diverse backgrounds.
Duties and Tasks
write reports for magistrates and
judges to assist with sentencing decisions
write risk assessments for parole
review boards
develop case management plans in
consultation with offenders
use counselling and intervention
strategies to promote law abiding behaviour
run programs for offenders to
support rehabilitation and employment prospects
help prepare prisoners for
conduct regular interviews with
clients to assess, monitor and report on their progress
work closely with other agencies
such as the police or social services.
manage and supervise offenders
who have received community- based supervision orders (community
service, home detention, probation or parole, for example) and ensure
that they comply with the relevant order conditions
monitor home detainees by means
of home visits and electronic monitoring technology, and report all
breaches of conditions
develop and implement
community-based work programmes
assess suitability, placement and
management of offenders granted community service orders and fine option
interview offenders, their
families, employers and educators to obtain information
submit reports and
recommendations on whether parole should be granted
provide advice to assist the
courts in determining the suitability of offenders to be placed on
community-based orders
assist offenders to obtain
identify the risks and needs of
offenders and refer them to appropriate programmes and/or external
advise parolees and those on
community-based orders on matters such as education, employment,
finance, housing and other community services that may assist in their
conduct regular interviews with
offenders and report on their progress
maintain contact with families to
help solve problems of readjustment and rehabilitation
assist in preparing briefs for
prosecuting offenders who fail to comply with community-based orders or
breach parole conditions
maintain and develop offender
records and administrative procedures
take part in staff development
and training programmes, and provide training to new staff
participate on various committees
to assist in policy, practice and community development
Working Conditions
They may regularly have to deal with challenging situations, including
working with potentially abusive clients. The hours of work may vary significantly, with some community correction
officers required to work nights and/or on weekends so they can visit
clients at home.
Tools and technologies
Community corrections officers use a range of standard office equipment,
including computers, phones, printers and photocopiers. They may also be
required to hold a current drivers licence, to travel to visit offenders,
offenders' families and other involved parties at their homes and/or
Education and training/entrance requirements
To become a community corrections officer with the
Department of Corrective Services you must pass the recruitment process and
complete the Correctional Officers Foundational Program training course.
Applicants must be Australian or New Zealand citizens or a Permanent
The selection assessment includes an identification check, selection panel
interview, psychological interview, a criminal history screening and an
integrity check. Applicants may need to hold a current ‘C’ Class driver’s
Successful applicants are then required to complete a six-month paid
training program at the Department’s Training Academy. After completing this
training, community corrections officers are awarded the nationally
recognised Certificate III in Correctional Practice (Community).
Entry into this occupation may be improved by completing a degree majoring
in behavioural science, justice studies or a related area.
Did You Know?
What are the different types of community-based supervision orders?
Courts may use a variety of sentencing options. These
•probation order - May be used instead of or
combined with a prison sentence. The offender must report to an
authorised officer, must not commit another offence, and must take
part in counselling and programs as directed. Offenders are not
allowed to leave the State without permission and must notify an
authorised officer of any change of address or employment.
•intensive correction order - Prison sentences
served in the community. Offenders are subject to intensive
supervision and must report twice a week to their supervisor.
Offenders must also attend rehabilitation programs or counselling,
and perform community service. Offenders who fail to comply are
returned to court for breach action.
Queensland Corrective Services)
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