
   Houses & Buildings

Related Jobs or Working with these Jobs



Practical or MechanicalSkill Level 2Skill Level 3

Carpenters construct, erect, install, finish and repair wooden and metal structures and fixtures on  residential and commercial buildings. Some carpenters may also carry out work on large concrete, steel and timber structures such as bridges, dams, power stations and civil engineering projects.

They may also finish and repair wooden structures such as foundations, walls, roofs, windows and doors. They plan and construct floors and frameworks, roofs and ceilings, which may be made from either timber or metal, and may also lay timber floors.Future Growth Very Strong

Carpenters also cut and shape the materials they work with, and assemble or nail them into place. They may also install door handles, locks, flooring underlay, insulating material and other fixtures.

ANZSCO ID:  331212
Constructs, erects, installs, renovates and repairs structures and fixtures of wood, plywood, wallboard and other materials. Registration or licensing may be required.

Alternative names: Carpenter and Joiner, Joiner, Woodworker,


Knowledge, skills and attributesBracing

Carpenters need:

  • to be good with their hands

  • problem-solving skills

  • physical fitness and the ability to undertake manual labour for extended periods

  • good communication and teamwork skills

  • planning and organisational skills

  • accuracy and efficiency

Duties and Tasks

Carpenters may perform the following tasks:

  • construct formwork into which concrete is poured

  • set out an outline of the building on the ground of the site, using string and pegs to allow for excavations

  • build floors, wall frameworks (timber or metal) and roofs, and lay timber floors

  • read plans and specifications to determine the dimensions, materials required and installation processes

  • install metal and timber windows, sashes and doors

  • construct and erect prefabricated units, such as cottages and houses

  • cut materials with hand and power tools and assemble, or nail, cut and shape parts

  • install door handles, locks, hardware, flooring underlay, insulating material and other fixtures

  • maintain and sharpen tools.

Working conditions Carpenter measuring

Carpenters work on building and construction sites and as such may work in dirty, dustry, muddy or noisy conditions. Carpenters may also have to work in cramped spaces, or at heights. Building sites may be hazardous spaces, and with the use of power tools, carpenters will usually be required to wear safety gear.

Tools and technologies

As carpenters work mostly with different types of timber, they need to be familiar with a range of power and hand tools, precise measuring equipment such as spirit levels and instruments for measuring angles, as well as platforms and ladders for working at heights. Depending on the scale of the job they are working on they may also need to use safety harnesses. They need to use safety equipment such as hard hats, gloves, steel-capped boots, safety glasses and ear protection.

Education and training/entrance requirements

To become a carpenter, you usually need to complete an apprenticeship in carpenter, carpentry and joinery or carpentry (housing). The apprenticeships usually take between 24 to 48 months to complete and are available as school-based apprenticeships.

You may improve your chances of gaining an apprenticeship by completing the Certificate II in Construction Pathways [pre-apprenticeship (carpentry)] offered at TAFE Colleges and other registered training organisations throughout Australia.

With further training and experience, a carpenter could become a building supervisor, building or construction manager, building inspector, technical teacher, estimator, building contract administrator or purchasing officer..

Did You Know?


Sawfish, also known as the Carpenter Shark is characterized by a long, toothy nose extension snout, which is covered with motion- and electro-sensitive pores that allow sawfish to detect movement and even heartbeats of prey hiding under the ocean floor.

Several species can grow to approximately 7 meters.







Construction Worker



Interior Designer

Floor Finisher



Interior Decorator

Pool Technician







Home Improvement Installer


Furniture Polisher

Airconditioning Refrigeration Mechanic

