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Oceanographers study water, sea life, weather and
climates, which helps preserve the natural resource of oceans and coastal
waters, as well as contributes to other professionals' ability to predict
weather patterns, determine plate tectonics shifting and care for wildlife.

Being an oceanographer could see you involved in areas
such as mineral exploitation, shipping, fisheries, coastal construction,
pollution, weather prediction, climate change and renewable energy.
Oceanographers study the motion
of water in oceans, its physical and chemical properties, and interactions
with ocean shores and climate. Oceanographers aim to understand how the
oceans work, as well as how to make the most efficient and sustainable use
of ocean resources. Oceanographers may also be, or be known as, marine
biologists or marine geologists.
ANZSCO ID: 234412
Specialisations: Types of oceanographer
You can choose to specialise in one area of oceanography, such as:
physical oceanography - studying the properties
of currents, waves, tides and ocean circulation, plus the temperature,
density and salt content of oceans;
chemical oceanography - determining the chemical
composition of sea water and sediments and effect of pollutants;
biological oceanography - studying marine animals
and plants and how organisms interact with their environment;
geological oceanography - examining the seabed,
including the rocks and minerals.

Oceanographer Careers
Scripps Institution of
Knowledge, skills and
Oceanographers require excellent computer skills to
catalogue, analyze and research data. Along with basic computer duties,
oceanographers learn advanced computer techniques like digital mapping,
remote sensing and computer modeling. When working in research teams,
oceanographers have to effectively communicate with other scientists to
explain research results or aspects of the work. Written skills are
necessary when it comes to publishing specific findings.
You will need to show:
excellent communication
skills, both written and verbal for working with teams and reporting
knowledge and experience of
the marine environment;
team project experience as you
may be planning and carrying out research assignments;
good computer literacy and
some experience of computational and mathematical modelling;
good observational skills and
attention to detail for analysing samples;
determination, perseverance
and problem-solving skills, while working away at sea and when carrying
out experiments;
a flexible approach to work;
the ability to work well in a
team and alone;
openness to ideas and concepts
of scientific disciplines other than your own.

Oceanographer at work
Career Addict)
Duties and Tasks
The work environment determines what job duties an
oceanographer performs. Oceanographers working out at sea and in the field
often have to perform physical and risky live research. Live research
requires irregular work hours along with extended amounts of traveling.
Individuals working in laboratories often run routine
procedures or perform new experiments and studies in oceanography. Office
settings are generally more relaxed and allow oceanographers a chance to
perform data research or write down scientific findings and arguments.
Job duties vary based on the particular specialization of the oceanographer.
A biological oceanographer examines plants, microbes and animals. Physical
oceanographers study attributes of the ocean like temperature, waves,
currents and tides. Chemical oceanographers look at the chemical properties
of the ocean along with its interaction with the rest of the environment.
Finally, geological oceanographers research the ocean floor itself.
When oceanographers take on a project, they start by researching and
studying information that is related to the project. The exact nature of the
research can differ from field research to data research. As the data is
collected, a hypothesis is made about what the data actually means. At the
end of the research project, oceanographers present their findings and make
an argument about the nature of the findings.
Your work will also depend on
your employer and your level of training and experience, but may include:
- collecting samples and
data from the sea, sea floor or atmosphere using specialised equipment
and techniques;
- analysing samples for
natural and contaminant composition;
- looking at life forms
and matter, such as trace metals, present in sea water;
- performing simulations
of ocean phenomena using computer or mathematical models;
- using statistical
models of laboratory and field data to investigate hypotheses and make
- analysing and
interpreting data from samples, measurements and remote sensing aids;
- attending conferences
and going on research cruises;
- submitting proposals to
obtain research funding;
- writing reports and
papers on research activities;
- lecturing to university
classes and leading field trips.
Tools and technologies
This work often includes using diving equipment or submersible vehicles.
Working conditions
In a full-time role, you would generally work a standard number of hours
when onshore. Depending on the project, you may also spend a number of days,
or even months, at sea doing research. While at sea, you would likely work
long and irregular hours.
Oceanographers generally work in an office or a laboratory when onshore. To
carry out research, you might work on a ship or an offshore platform in a
remote location. Conditions may be hazardous and physically demanding.
Education and Training
Oceanographers start with a Bachelor's degree and
then look into pursuing internship programs or entry-level positions. Many
oceanographers go on to acquire a Master's degree
for research positions. Doctorate degrees are normal for oceanographers
interested in teaching or high-level research opportunities.
The exact major, minor and specialization may differ from
university to university.
Ideally, an oceanographer acquires educational experience in hydrology,
oceanography, environmental science or geosciences. Oceanography schools
[within universities] may offer specializations like chemical, marine
geology, physical and biological oceanography. Specific classes vary
depending on the specializations, but many oceanographers take classes in
ocean minerals, molecular methods, deep sea biology, marine microplankton
ecology, ocean waves and marine hydrodynamics.
Did You Know?
Disciplines within Oceanography:
Marine Biologists
may examine the cycling of nutrients through the marine food chain,
from algae to tuna. They may investigate the physiological
adaptations of marine organisms. They may determine how sharks
behave, how fishes communicate, and how marine ecosystems are
changing due to human influence.

Marine Geologists explore the ocean floor — its
mountains, canyons, and valleys. Study of seafloor sediment cores
can reveal the history of oceanic circulation and climates over the
past 150 million years. The study of the rocky crust beneath the
sediments sheds light on the origin of volcanoes, as well as the
processes of seafloor spreading and continental drift.
Geophysicists ask
such questions as why the earth's magnetic field has reversed itself
at least three times in the last million years. These scientists are
beginning to understand what causes earthquakes and can now measure
them with great accuracy. They also search places where heat escapes
from the crust of the earth for clues to fundamental processes deep
in the planet's interior.

Marine Chemists study how the oceans were formed
eons ago, and what determines their composition today. They identify
ocean resources that may be beneficial, such as natural products
with medicinal properties, and investigate means to protect the
oceans from the effects of pollution.
Physical Oceanographers study the circulation of
seawater and the exchange of energy and matter across the surface of
the ocean. They examine the transport of sand on and off beaches and
the processes of coastal erosion. Physical oceanographers also
measure deep currents such as those flowing from Antarctic waters
into the Pacific Ocean.
Atmospheric Scientists and Climate Researchers
investigate how the relationship among the ocean, atmosphere, and
land affects the world's climate systems. They seek to forecast
climate trends through the use of increasingly sophisticated
computer models. They also study the buildup of pollutants and
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and how they affect clouds,
precipitation, and the potential for climate change.
Biological Oceanographers are concerned with the
complex interactions of groups of marine organisms with one another
and their environment. They seek to understand how factors such as
warm and cold currents affect the availability of food fishes.
Marine Physicists develop the means to interact
with the oceans. They design and build many specialized research
tools, including remotely operated vehicles, sophisticated seafloor
instruments, and innovative remove-sensing systems such as
acoustic-imaging devices for exploring the oceans. They also develop
mechanisms for controlling sand on beaches.
Institution of Oceanography)
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