


Club Manager
Gaming Cage Worker
Gaming Manager or Supervisor
Gaming Surveillance Officer & Gaming Investigator

Gaming Worker

Related Jobs or Working with these Jobs


Practical or MechanicalClerical or OrganisingSkill Level 1Skill Level 2

Gaming workers or Croupiers provide gamblers with gaming services in casinos and other gambling establishments by operating and running gaming tables. Casino croupiers work at different tables (blackjack, poker, baccarat, roulette, etc.) and control a game’s progress. Croupiers throw roulette ball, deal cards and make payouts in the form of casino chips. Croupiers shuffle and deals cards, and spin roulette or money wheels. Gaming workers and croupiers also interpret the rules of games for customers. An important part of their role is to ensure they provide a level of entertainment for casino patrons. FutureGrowthModerate

What’s more, croupiers are responsible for the smooth development of a game, and they have to make sure that nobody cheats. Additionally, croupiers inform security if they suspect card counting and the like.

As you know, in gambling two sides exist: the house and the gamblers. It is no secret that the public is mostly interested in the latter side, that of the gamblers. But this is not to say that the house’s side is boring. In fact, according to some analysts, one of the most exciting professions in the world has to do with being a representative of “the house”: the casino croupier. So why is this profession exciting?


Alternative names: Gaming Worker, Gaming Dealer, Gaming Attendant, Casino Worker, Casino Gaming Worker, Casino Dealer,

Specialisations: Casino Gaming Inspector, Gaming Pit Boss

  • Gaming Inspector (Government) - reports incidents of illegal activity by casino employees or patrons and attends court to give evidence where necessary. Government gaming inspectors check the financial statistics and taxation requirements of the casino and conduct pre- licensing inspections and regular checks on hotels and clubs.

  • Gaming Machine Worker - operates and maintains the various gaming machines in the casino. They may also call and verify the results of Keno draws.

Knowledge, skills and attributes

To become a gaming worker or croupier, you would need:

  • Mature and confident
  • High level of integrity
  • Able to make calculations quickly and accurately
  • a polite, tactful and friendly manner
  • vitality and enthusiasm
  • confidence in front of an audience
  • the ability to keep up your concentration and accuracy throughout your shift
  • the ability to think quickly and make fast mental calculations
  • the ability to deal cards and move chips quickly if you are employed as a croupier.
  • Neat personal appearance
  • Good communication skills and friendly personality
  • Able to work under pressure and deal with difficult customers
  • Able to concentrate for long periods of time without distraction
  • Good with hands
  • At least 18 years of age

Blackjack Dealer
(Source: StudyBreaks)


Duties & Tasks

  • Operates table games such as craps, blackjack and roulette;

  • advises patrons about the rules and etiquette of games

  • provides dice and dispenses cards to players;

  • ensuring that games operating in the casino pit run smoothly

  • monitors cash drops to cashiers and chip transactions of gaming tokens (called chips)

  • observes incidents and settles disputes arising at gaming tables

  • deals games in accordance with casino rules, policies and procedures and ensuring that bets are placed within the rules of the game

  • checks that appropriate betting limit signs are in place

  • checks playing cards

  • verify cash and colour chip change involving larger amounts with the casino gaming inspector

  • determines winners, calculates and pays winning bets, and

  • collects losing bets

  • check gaming equipment and ensure it is in good condition

  • report any missing or damaged equipment

  • counts the amount of cash chips in the float and enters a closer slip with the corresponding amount in the cash total

Working conditions

​A gaming worker must make sure that the rules and regulations of a game and an establishment are followed by customers, and they may also need to explain rules to patrons. They must also be clear on the winners and losers of a game, and calculate and pay out the correct winnings. A gaming worker needs to be able to work under pressure and remain calm at all times, particularly when working with customers who are under the influence of alcohol. They may have to stand for long periods of time. You would be expected to be smart and well-groomed. In most casinos your employer will provide an appropriate uniform. Some of your meals may be provided.

Usually, dealers stand behind the table they are managing while dealing cards or throwing roulette dice. Their job is to announce players’ moves, which helps players keep up and know when it is their turn. A major downside of the profession is the fact that croupiers have to stand throughout their shift.

One of the best things about being a casino croupier is that you do not need much experience. Typically, training courses last for two months (some are shorter), and they come at humble prices (less than $1,000). Some casinos, especially newly opened ones, offer in-house training, too.

One of the best things about casinos is that they are open 24/7, which means flexible schedules for croupiers who are studying at university and have to work odd hours. Plus, flexible work schedules make it possible for personnel to know when they are off work, too. Gaming workers must therefore work according to a roster including morning, afternoon, night and weekend shifts. Another thing is that even though casino croupiers work eight-hour shifts, most of them actually work just six hours. That is because at most casinos, croupiers work for an hour and a half and then get take a thirty-minute break.

Another major benefit of being a casino croupier is the bonuses. Big names in the casino industry often provide appealing benefits to their employees, such as health and retirement plans, and even flexible time-off opportunities.

If you struggle with math, you might consider becoming a live dealer, a position that allows casino croupiers to work at online casinos and gain experience. Here, a computer determines winning hands as well as payouts and numbers. On the other hand, live dealers must look perfect in front of multiple cameras.

And what about cruise ship casino personnel? Well, that is just about the best profession for those who love gambling and sailing. First of all, cruise ship croupiers get to travel all around the globe and see the most beautiful places on earth. Second, cruise ship croupiers get a higher salary. In this line of thought, cruise ship croupiers are said to receive bigger tips as well. On top of all, cruise ship dealers do not have to pay taxes on their earnings.

Most operators allow their croupiers to move from one company-owned venue to another, sometimes even to different venues. What is more, as croupiers gain experience, a wide variety of job opportunities within the casino become available.

Hard work and diligence, as well as a good work ethic, may reward a croupier with the position of a supervisor in two years or less. In time, if they continuously improve their skills, a croupier can become a bit boss. Gaining experience as a casino croupier is a major benefit, because experienced croupiers may be offered to work as online casino game supervisors (they have to monitor the performance of croupier bots).

You would work under the supervision of a gaming manager.

(Source: Good Universities Guide)

Tools and technologies

Depending on the game a gaming worker is dealing, they may need to understand how to play a computerised form of the game. There are many of types of games that offer a computerised version. Workers will also need to be familiar with how to operate the card sorter on a computerised version.

Education and training/entrance requirements

​It is possible to work as a gaming worker without any formal qualifications and get training on the job. However, entry into this occupation may be improved by obtaining a qualification in hospitality.

The Certificates II and III in Hospitality are offered at TAFE colleges and other registered training organisations throughout Australia. You can also undertake a traineeship in hospitality - gaming. The traineeship usually take 24 months to complete.

Depending on the state in which you work, you will generally be required to complete Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) training or to obtain a Casino Employee Licence. To apply for a licence, you will need to obtain a National Police Clearance, Personal Credit Report and be fingerprinted.

As part of the application process, you will need to show that you have either completed a training course approved eg. by the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor Western Australia, prove you have sufficient experience to be qualified to work as a licensed gaming premise employee, or have a letter from the casino stating that they are considering employing you in a specified role.

Employment Opportunities

The number of opportunities for gaming workers is directly related to the number of casinos in operation. New casino developments will increase the available opportunities for gaming workers and croupiers.

Casino Canberra and The Star run their own intensive training courses when new croupiers are required. Trainee croupiers are instructed in gaming rules and basic chipping and shuffling skills. Successful applicants are chosen by a combination of their application, interview and aptitude test performance.

Vacancies are usually advertised online. Competition for available positions is strong.

Did You Know?

Richard Jarecki
Dr. Richard Jarecki, center, playing the game that obsessed him and, for a while, enriched him.
“I don’t know how he does it exactly,” one gaming manager said, “but if he never returned to my casino I would be a very happy man.”
Credit...Jarecki family archive

Many gamblers see roulette as a game of pure chance — a wheel is spun, a ball is released and winners and losers are determined by luck.

Richard Jarecki refused to believe it was that simple.

He became the scourge of European casinos in the 1960s and early ′70s by developing a system to win at roulette. And win he did, by many accounts accumulating more than $1.2 million, or more than $8 million in today’s money — until, that is, the casinos finally found a way to eliminate his edge.

But no matter. By then he had filled his pockets and achieved a level of celebrity and was on his way to carving out a career in another arena of risk-laden wagering back in the United States — as a commodities futures trader.

He died on July 25 2018 at his home in Manila. He was 86.
(Source: NY Times)










Home Entertainment Store Attendant





Retail Manager

Funeral Director




Tattoo Artist


Events Coordinator

Restaurant Manager

Wedding Coordinator

Hotel Motel Manager


Pet Groomer

Picture Framer

Makeup Artist

Visual Merchandiser

Screen Printer


Kennel Cattery Operator

Vending Machine Servicer

Weight Loss Consultant

Antique Dealer

Wool Buyer

Bed and Breakfast Operator

Trolley Collector









Home Entertainment Store Attendant





Retail Manager

Funeral Director




Tattoo Artist


Events Coordinator

Restaurant Manager

Wedding Coordinator

Hotel Motel Manager


Pet Groomer

Picture Framer

Makeup Artist

Visual Merchandiser

Screen Printer


Kennel Cattery Operator

Vending Machine Servicer


Weight Loss Consultant

Antique Dealer

Wool Buyer

Bed and Breakfast Operator

Trolley Collector









Home Entertainment Store Attendant





Retail Manager

Funeral Director




Tattoo Artist


Events Coordinator

Restaurant Manager

Wedding Coordinator

Hotel Motel Manager


Pet Groomer

Picture Framer

Makeup Artist

Visual Merchandiser

Screen Printer


Kennel Cattery Operator

Vending Machine Servicer


Weight Loss Consultant

Antique Dealer

Wool Buyer

Bed and Breakfast Operator

Trolley Collector









Home Entertainment Store Attendant





Retail Manager

Funeral Director




Tattoo Artist


Events Coordinator

Restaurant Manager

Wedding Coordinator

Hotel Motel Manager


Pet Groomer

Picture Framer

Makeup Artist

Visual Merchandiser

Screen Printer


Kennel Cattery Operator

Vending Machine Servicer


Weight Loss Consultant

Antique Dealer

Wool Buyer

Bed and Breakfast Operator

Trolley Collector