


Laundry Worker (General)
Ironer & Presser

Related Jobs or Working with these Jobs


Service or PersuadingPractical or MechanicalSkill Level 1Skill Level 2

Drycleaners use specialised techniques and equipment to clean clothes and other fabric items. They examine articles to be cleaned, looking for stains or any other damage which may need special attention, and sort them into groups depending on the colour and type of material. FutureGrowthModerate

Drycleaners must pay close attention to the type of material and any manufacturers’ recommended care instructions, which may affect aspects of the cleaning process, including the chemicals used, temperature and duration of the process. Once articles have been cleaned, they can be pressed to give crisp, clear pleats and creases, and steam formed to restore the shape and remove wrinkles.

ANZSCO description: 811512: Cleans clothing, garments, upholstery and other fabrics using drycleaning agents and machines.

Alternative names: Dry Cleaner

Did You Know?

For a long time, plastic bags have been used freely within the dry cleaner industry.

Did you know that plastic bags take between 400 to 1,000 years to disintegrate? And that is just an estimate as we have yet to see a plastic bag biodegrade.

Even scarier, a single dry cleaner is likely to throw away up to 100,000 plastic bags a year – industry wide, that’s the equivalent of 486 million dollars worth of plastic bags!

(Source: Master Drycleaners)

drycleaner at work

Knowledge, Skills and Attributes  

A drycleaner needs:

  • good observation skills and to pay attention to detail

  • to enjoy practical work

  • normal colour vision

  • a reasonable level of fitness

  • good time management skills.

Working conditions

Drycleaners may work in small shops dealing directly with customers, or they may work in larger industrial facilities, where they collect articles from a number of small agencies, such as newsagents.

Some drycleaners may offer pick-up and delivery services, where they collect articles from customers' homes or workplaces.

Drycleaning facilities are usually hot and humid, though they are also well-ventilated. Drycleaners come into regular contact with hazardous chemicals, which must be handled with care.

The hours of work can vary depending on the type of drycleaning operation, though weekend work is common for most drycleaning businesses. Those working in large industrial facilities may be required to work shifts, which can include working nights. 

Tools and technologies

Drycleaners use specially-designed machines to clean garments without causing stress or damage to delicate fabrics. They also use steam presses to smooth wrinkles after the cleaning process.

The chemicals used in dry cleaning are specially formulated to remove dirt and grease from a range of fabrics without damaging the fabric itself. When articles are collected they are tagged to identify the owner and highlight any special cleaning instructions. These tags may be simple hand-written notes, or more advanced bar code or computer chip technologies.

Education and Training

You can work as a drycleaner without any formal qualifications and get training on the job.

You may improve your employment prospects if you complete a traineeship. A dry cleaning operations traineeship takes 18 to 24 months to complete and is available as a school-based traineeship.



Laundry Worker

Service or PersuadingPractical or MechanicalSkill Level 1Skill Level 2

Laundry workers operate large industrial machines to wash, dry and press clothes and linens in a commercial laundry. When items arrive at the laundry they are marked using a customer's number, mark or a barcode for easy identification and tracking. After items have been recorded they are FutureGrowthModerate sorted according to colour, fabric and cleaning treatment. Laundry workers then load machines, programming the wash cycle according to the item care instructions. Cleaned items are then dried, either using tumble driers or by hanging them in a heated room. Dried laundry is then folded and may also be pressed using a specialised press. Laundry workers may also be responsible for carrying out basic maintenance work on the machines.

ANZSCO description: 811511: Sorts, cleans, irons, folds and packages linen, clothing and other garments in a commercial laundry.

Alternative names: Launderer

Specialisations: Folding Machine Operator, Linen Sorter

Knowledge, skills and attributes

A laundry worker needs:

  • good observation skills and attention to detail

  • to enjoy practical work

  • normal colour vision

  • a reasonable level of fitness

  • good time management skills.










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