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Weight loss consultants assist clients with
motivation, advice and practical plans to lose weight or
body fat. They meet with clients to discuss weight loss goals, and
will usually record a client's weight and measurements, tracking their
progress toward these goals over time. They advise clients about topics such
as eating a healthy diet, developing an effective exercise regime and making
healthy lifestyle choices. They may work with clients on an individual
basis, or run group sessions, where clients are able to motivate and support
each other and share their own weight loss tips. They
will usually be knowledgeable about good nutrition, the importance of
exercise and the psychological factors involved in weight loss.

Weight loss consultants typically
do not work independently, but instead work within various weight loss
programs where a client will sign up for the purpose of receiving pre-made
or pre-planned meals, specific diet plans, and regular meetings with an
individual or group for motivational purposes. Unlike a registered dietitian
or nutritionist, a weight loss consultant typically does not have any
specific education in the health or nutrition fields.
They may also be good with people, encouraging (and strict if necessary) and
able to motivate people to lose weight.
ANZSCO ID: 451512
Alternative names: Weight Management
Practitioner, Weight Management Consultant, Motivational Weight
Management Coach, Wellness Coach, Health Coach, Nutrition Coach,
Specialisations: Motivational
Weight Management Coach, Wellness Coach, Health Coach, Nutrition Coach,
Knowledge, skills and attributes
Good administrative skills
Good communication
Knowledge of weight loss
through personal experience
Awareness of when people are
experiencing difficulties
Keeping up to date on
relevant nutrition and diets
You also need to be aware of each person on the
program and their needs. For example, if a person is losing weight too fast,
is becoming obsessed with their eating, seems to be ill, is not eating their
correct food for any condition they have, such as diabetes, and so on.
It can also be a challenge to motivate and support people to lose weight.
This can be very hard for a lot of people, so that constant motivation can
be hard. You will also need to be a good motivator, able
to talk to people in groups or individually, be knowledgeable about diet and
nutrition, be sympathetic but also strict when necessary.

Duties & Tasks
Interviews clients to work out their needs.
Monitors and corrects imbalances in the body
using muscle testing techniques.
Advises clients on dietary requirements
and on cultivating healthy eating habits.
Devising exercise strategies for optimum,
healthy weight loss
Speaking with clients about personal fitness
Records clients' weight and measurements.
Instructs clients on the use of exercise
Working one-on-one or with groups to offer
advice on nutrition in conjunction with exercise regimes
Provides support and counselling.
Meet sales quotas of the company.
Ensure follow-up of after-sales service.
In addition, sales is often a large part of the job
of these consultants. Many will earn commission based on the amount of
programs they sell, so it is in the consultant's best interest to keep the
client happy and satisfied with the program, and to motivate the client to
lose weight and see the results. That will then make the client more likely
to recommend the program to his or her friends. In addition to individual
meetings with clients, a consultant may also be responsible for hosting
occasional group meetings or weigh-ins as another motivational tool for
program participants.
A weight loss consultant will have regular meetings
with a manager, where progress and sales goals will be assessed. The
consultant will likely need to meet sales goals and customer service
requirements in order to continue within the position. It is important for
consultants to possess the ability to be polite, friendly, and respectful,
and to truly enjoy working with and helping other people.
Working conditions
Weight loss consultants may be employed by a national or international
chain of weight loss companies with an established and shared methodology
and philosophy, or they may work independently, with their own weight loss
system. They usually work in an office, but may hold regular group meetings
with clients in a community setting. Many of their clients can be very
emotional, and weight loss consultants may need to find ways to inspire and
motivate clients who are depressed or have almost given up on weight loss.
They generally work regular business hours, though they may be required to
work evenings and on weekends to run meetings and group workshops when their
clients are available.
Tools and technologies
Weight loss consultants may use scales and tape measures to record and track
their clients' weight loss progress. They will also generally use charts,
pamphlets and similar materials to demonstrate the nutritional value of
different foods and as a reference source to provide advice about specific
lifestyle habits or exercise options. Some weight loss consultants may use
audiovisual equipment, including computers, projectors and microphones, when
conducting group sessions. They may also use cooking equipment to give
practical demonstrations about how to prepare a healthy meal.
Education and training/entrance requirements
It is possible to work as a weight loss consultant without formal
qualifications and get training on the job. Established weight loss
companies will generally provide training to new employees.
Entry into this occupation may be improved by obtaining a qualification in
weight management. The Certificate IV in Weight Management is available at
Australian registered training organisations.
Learning about weight loss has to be the starting
point; and a foundation course of at least 100 hours would be the absolute
minimum. If you wish to work independently, it is important to get
professional liability insurance (available to graduates of ACS Distance
Education through OAMPS in Australia).
Employment Opportunities
Weight loss consultancy options
vary. Many people are self employed, while others find work within an
established organisation.
There are many weight loss organisations out there, such as Weight Watchers,
Slimming World and others. You may work for one of these organisations.
These may provide you with a clear structure of how to work, and have
specific products that can be sold and marketed. They will provide you with
the administration of the business. In some cases you may have to purchase a
franchise. Profitability may not always be as good working for someone else
though, as it is working for yourself.
Or you may become a freelance independent consultant. In this case, you will
probably meet clients in their own homes, carry out an assessment on their
weight problem, then come up with an individual plan to help them. You may
only see them once, or you may see them several times to help them through
their weight loss journey. This may also involve additional emails and calls
to motivate and encourage the person.
You may need to develop networking and marketing skills to promote yourself
and encourage people to use your services.
Risks and Challenges
A big challenge here is maintaining your own weight loss. Many consultants
who join franchises will have been previous members. Often the franchise
will insist on that. The consultant will be someone who has successfully
lost weight his/herself and is now helping others. They are a role model.
This can put stress on the consultant to keep their weight loss off, if they
wish to maintain their job. Also, clients will not necessary belief that a
consultant can help them, if the consultant his/herself is overweight.