Job Clusters




Welcome to Careers in Horticulture

Here you can find out about different jobs relating to horticulture and the people working there. Sometimes it might be different to what you think!

Life on the Job - Indicates a person's Life on the Job - a page dedicated to this person and activities for you to complete.

Cameo - these are short LOTJs without
their own dedicated page or activities


Overview of Horticulture

A horticulturalist can choose among a number of areas of focus, ranging from viticulture, the production of grapes, to entomology, studying insects which have an impact on crops.

In the world of commercial agriculture, horticulturalists develop new strains of plants which boast improved yields. They may work with a specific plant to develop a breed which is easier to harvest, or which stores better than other plant varieties. Horticulturalists also research postharvest physiology, looking at how well plants keep, and methods which could be used to improve the storage life for commercially popular crops.

A horticulturalist can also develop new ways to use plants, along with new plant breeds. A horticulturalist who works on crops for mass-production may think about issues like disease-resistance, making things convenient for harvesting equipment, or insect and animal pests. Horticulturalists who focus on crops for smaller-scale production may focus on preserving and improving heritage crops, or publicizing the importance of maintaining crop diversity.

Five Branches of Horticulture

There are five main branches of horticulture that are divided according to the type of crops produced and how the plants are used. Any one of these branches may also deal with the following types of crops: seeds and roots, perennial bush, tree nuts, and aromatic and medicinal foliage.


This area of horticulture focuses on the cultivation of flowers (cut and potted) and foliage.

Flower arrangement also fall under this header.

Landscape Horticulture

Ever wonder who develops those beautiful parks and indoor garden environments?

Landscape horticulturists design, construct, and take care of landscapes in homes, businesses, and public areas.
They choose plants for their aesthetic appeal and practicality and arrange them in ways that are pleasing and conform to the needs of their clients.
Landscape Architect

Nursery/Plant Propagation

The development and dissemination of plant seeds, shrubs, trees, ornamental plants, and ground covering is the focus of this area of horticulture.
Typically these plants are used in landscaping or interior plantscaping projects.
Horticultural Assistant

Horticultural Assistant

Vegetable lovers will enjoy a career in this field.
Olericulturists handle the farming, processing, storage, and marketing of all edible parts of vegetables including the roots, leaves, flowers, stems, seeds, and young tops.
Typically vegetables are eaten raw, cooked, or preserved.


If you love to eat delicious fruit, then pomology may interest you.
This branch of horticulture revolves around production and cultivation of fruit crops.



Careers in Horticulture

According to the Royal Horticultural Society (UK) here are some of the careers in Horticulture as well as the five branches of horticultural jobs.

Links to On the Job pages are given.


Botanist LOTJ
Entomologist LOTJ
Horticultural or Plant Pathologist
Plant Breeding Rights Specialist
Plant Geneticist
Plant Health Scientist
Plant Physiologist
Plant Research & Development Manager
Plant Scientist
Soil Specialist
Tissue Culture Technician
Water Management Specialist

Botanical artist LOTJ
Botanical data specialist (app development)
Garden designer
Garden editors
Garden writer
Plant and garden photographer
Social media plant stylist and advisor
Social media content creator
TV gardener

Floral designer / sculptor LOTJ
Garden manager, head gardener, curator
Garden centre / plant area worker
Heritage horticulturist
Horticultural Assistant
Horticultural librarian or archivist
Nursery technician / technician manager
Plant collector

Horticultural advisor
Horticultural educator
Horticultural tutor or lecturer
University lecturer

Greenkeeper / golf course manager
Grounds maintenance worker

Nursery worker / manager LOTJ
Plant propagator
Viticulturist LOTJ

Landscape architect LOTJ
Natural environment worker / manager

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