Lesson Strategies

Community of Inquiry


Community of Inquiry


Introduction - Philosophy [Community of Inquiry CoI] and the Question Quadrant
Example of CoI: The Little Refugee by Anh Do
Examples of CoI throughout On the Job website

Higher Order Thinking Skills: Self Evaluation [to be used in conjunction with Community of Inquiry] so students can see if they are developing these skills.



A Cooperative Learning Strategy
A Cooperative Learning Strategy


Philosophy [Community of Inquiry] and the Question Quadrant

This is a cooperative learning process that calls for creative thinking and critical reflection. It involves both interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. It can be used for all students

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary


A Community of Inquiry can be described as:

'a group of people – students, teachers, colleagues – who use discussion to engage in deep thinking, explore big ideas, and grapple with the challenges and possibilities in a puzzling concept, idea or circumstance’ (Museum Victoria n.d.)

This form of community of inquiry was developed by Matthew Lipman and is a part of the Philosophy for Children approach to education. Lipman (2003) argued that a community of inquiry is characterised by; ‘non adversarial deliberations, shared cognitions, the cultivation of literacy and philosophical imagination and the encouragement of deep reading, and the enjoyment of dialogical texts’ (Lipman 2003). Moreover, Lipman’s account of a community of inquiry includes the following features: inclusiveness, participation, shared cognition, face-to face relationships, the quest for meaning, feelings of social solidarity, deliberation, impartiality, modelling, thinking for oneself, challenging as a procedure, reasonableness, the reading, the questioning and the discussion (Lipman 2003). The core business of Philosophy for Children for Lipman, was to promote the improvement of three aspects of thinking: critical, creative and caring (Lipman 2003).

Typically, a community of inquiry involves a group of students sitting together in a circle facing one another, the teacher amongst them as both facilitator and co-inquirer.



YouTube: Philosophy for Kids




Process of CoI

After reading or listening to the stimulus material - newspaper article, big picture book, an audio clip, a chaper of a book

In groups of two:

  • Students are to write a question or questions about the stimulus material from each of the four question quadrants
  • Students share the thinking questions with the class by writing up on a whiteboard
  • Select the most common question to discuss.
  • In a circle, conduct a discussion on this common question
  • Hold to the class discussion rules of:
    • one person speaks at a time
    • listen carefully to the speaker: listen for understanding; listen charitably
    • the speaker selects the next speaker
    • speakers are respectful and build on the previous speaker's point of view or questions that view logically
    • be prepared to think and take time to think
  • Keep a record of the other student questions to come back to them if needed
  • Provide closure - see example below



An example within this website: The Little Refugee by Anh Do


PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle High SchoolSecondary

LiteracyAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Literacy
CriticalAustralian Curriculum General Capability: Critical and creative thinking
Personal and social capability
Australian Curriculum General Capability: Personal and social capability
Australian Curriculum Cross Curriculum Priorities: Asian Priority



 TeacherTeacher Process:

1. Get the students to form a circle with their chairs or directly on the floor. Everyone is to be in the circle including the Teacher.

2. Using stimulus material, read the story or text by asking the students to take turns to read out loud each paragraph.  

3. Set up a Question Quadrant on the floor or on a whiteboard:

Question Quadrant



Question Quadrant


4. Get the students, in pairs, to come up with 8 questions - two for each quadrant about the stimulus material.

The Questions for Thinking are the hardest to come up with – but that is what we are aiming for.

Let's look at the stimulus material example: The Little Refugee by Anh Do and Suzanne Do... Read the book or look at the video

The Little Refugee



the Question for Thinking might be "What is Hope?"

5. List all the questions on the board from this 4th Quadrant "Questions for Thinking" and put the students' names next to their question.

6. Ask the students to think about grouping the questions - the ones that are the same or similar - together.

7. Start the discussion with the most asked question.

8. Make sure the students follow the rules of Philosophy in Schools:

  • Only one person speaks at a time
  • Pay attention to the person who is speaking
  • Give other people a chance to speak
  • Build upon other people's ideas
  • No put-downs
    (Source: Associate Prof. Phil Cam)

9. Discussion should involve students in critical, creative and caring thinking:

Critical Creative Caring
give reasons
consider implications
apply criteria
weigh evidence
generate questions
raise suggestions
imagine alternatives
formulate criteria
make connections
build on ideas
listen to other's points of view
consider other's reasons
explore disagreements considerately
build on other's ideas
explore other's opinions
help to synthesise suggestions

10. Provide Closure:

For example from "The Little Refugee" - Get the students to reflect in their journals a time when they felt lonely.

11. Leave the questions on the board or copy them so that the other unanswered questions can be used in the next lessons.



Examples of CoI

Community of Inquiry

There are many other examples of the Community of Inquiry [CoI] Strategy throughout this On the Job website. You will notice that I have used The Conversation articles most of the time as the stimulus material. The reason for this choice is:

"The Conversation Australia and New Zealand is a unique collaboration between academics and journalists that in just 10 years has become the world’s leading publisher of research-based news and analysis. Everything you read here is created by academics and journalists working together, supported by a team of digital technology experts. Our professional editors turn knowledge and insights from academics into easy-to-read articles, and make them accessible to readers like you. All our work is free to read and free to republish under Creative Commons. We do this as a not-for-profit company guided by a clear purpose: to provide access to quality explanatory journalism essential for healthy democracy." (Source: The Conversation)

The Conversation


Where "On the Job" are Jobs & CoI Activities? Stimulus Material sourced from:
Agricultural Consultant

Australia has a heritage conservation problem. Can farming and Aboriginal heritage protection co-exist? A Community of Inquiry.

Agricultural Consultant
The Conversation
Aviation Manager

Is net-zero aviation more or less a flight of fantasy?

Aviation Manager
The Conversation

Girls' Life, Boys' Life: What are the marketing messages to each? Should they be different? Community of Inquiry

The Conversation
Botanical Illustrator

What makes a good scientific illustration?

Botanical Illustrator
The Conversation
Child Care Centre Manager

Are women "outsourcing" parenting by sending their children to child care?

Child Care Centre Manager
The Conversation
Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Does traditional Chinese medicine have a place in the health system?

Chinese Medicine Practitioner
The Conversation

The Ethics of Buying or Selling on Flood Plains

The Guardian

The Fire Wombat
A Community of Inquiry

The Fire Wombat
Domestic Animal Scientist

What the Duck?! The Politics of being a cow

Domestic Animal Scientist
What the duck?!
ENT Specialist

The secret world of the human ear - Professor Kelvin Kong, Conversations with Richard Fidler

ENT Specialist
The secret world of the human ear
Hazardous Materials Labourer

Visually striking science experiments at school can be fun, inspiring and safe – banning is not the answer!?

Hazmat Labourer
The Conversation
Horse Trainer

Racehorses & the Knackery: a Community of Inquiry

Horse Trainer
The Conversation
Intelligence Analyst

Intelligence Analyst

The Annual Threat Assessment for 2024 by Mike Burgess - ASIO boss 28 February 2024: What questions still need answering? A Community of Inquiry
The Conversation 

"Should there be a ban on whips in Australian horse racing?"

The Conversation

Policing and Informants in Victoria - What are the ramifications?

The Conversation

Banning Books - Is this Ethical?

National Archives
Naval Marine Architect

Australian Submarines of the future: A Community of Inquiry

Naval Marine Architect
The Conversation articles
Outdoor Adventure Guide

Adventure, Risk, Uncertainty, Consequence: A Community of Inquiry

Outdoor Adventure Guide
The Conversation
Patents Examiner

How Russia is using intellectual property as a war tactic: Community of Inquiry

Patents Examiner
The Conversation

Money, COVID tests and Pathology Companies: The Ethics!

The Pathologist
The Conversation
Pig Farmer

Prof. Peter Singer's Ideas - a Community of Inquiry

Pig Farmer
the Conversation
Plastic Surgeon

"We are all wonders"

Plastic Surgeon

We are all wonders


Can Australia Save a Rare Reptile by Moving it to a Cooler Place?
An article from the NY Times
Western Swamp Tortoise
Sign Writer

Sign Writer
The Signmaker's Assistant - a Community of Inquiry
Signmaker's Assistant
Sports Administrator

Sports, Doping and Ethics!

Sports Administrator
8 Articles from The Conversation

The Conversation
Steward (of Racing)

Jiggers, Whips & Stewards: A Community of Inquiry

Steward of Racing

The Conversation

The Conversation
Toy Maker

The Magic Toy Shop

Toy Maker
An old Christmas Story

The Magic Toy Shop

What should buyers of a house be told about it? A Community of Inquiry

The Conversation 
Wind Turbine Technician

Wind Turbines & Birds: A Community of Inquiry

Wind Turbine Technician

The Conversation
 Life on the Job
LOTJ: Anh Do

The Little Refugee - by Anh Do  

the Little Refugee
LOTJ: Toni Alexandrow

The Ethics of Fire Fighter Contamination


A story from Landline about the Williamstown, NSW contamination
LOTJ: Ruby Lindsay

Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer
The Conversation
LOTJ: Prof. Naline Joshi

Labels and Assumptions of Women in STEM: A Community of Inquiry

The Conversation
LOTJ: Prof. Barry Marshall

Scientific Proof: A Community of Inquiry

Medical Laboratory Scientist
Medical Laboratory Scientist
Online Article in "Medium"
LOTJ: Navy Officer

Tweets and Government Employees: Why is it not allowed?

Navy Officer
Navy Officer
Online Article from The Daily Telegraph  
LOTJ: Sergeant Lillian Armfield

Issues of Gender: A Community of Inquiry

Police Officer
Excerpt from Leigh Straw's Lillian Armfield: How Australia's First Female Detective Took on Tilly Devine and the Razor Gangs and Changed the Face of the Force (2018)

Lillian Armfield
LOTJ: Lowitja O'Donoghue

"As a young woman, Lowitja O'Donoghue was told she'd amount to nothing"

Public Servant

Public Servant
Online Article from the Sydney Morning Herald by Prof. Robert Manne
9 October 2020

LOTJ: Prof. Marie Curie

"Radioactive": a new Marie Curie biopic inspires, but resonates uneasily for women in Science: A Community of Inquiry

The Conversation 
LOTJ: Ashleigh Barty

The Science of Grunting in Tennis: A Community of Inquiry


The Conversation 18 January 2018

The Conversation
LOTJ: Jane Tost

Provenance & Respect


Museum Curator

The Conversation 1 December 2014

The Conversation 
LOTJ: Winemaker

Ripped from the Headlines? A Community of Inquiry

Article from TV Tonight



Material sourced from

Assoc. Prof. Phil Cam - personal communication
RRR - Collaborative Classrooms
A-Z Learning Strategies - KWeb - Brisbane CE [PDF]


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