Professional Learning Index


Other Resources for Classroom Use
Other Resources about Careers Education

The Conversation & Career Education


A further purpose of On the Job is to provide eLearning Resources for Teachers including Lesson Plans; Lesson Strategies; Technology websites that can be used in the classroom. Each of these categories will be updated on a regular basis.


x200Lesson StrategiesTechnology Websites


Other Resources for Classroom Use 


When we come across interesting and helpful websites, we will list them here:

The Naked Scientist - an University of Cambridge Science Show Listen

Naked Scientist
What the Duck - ABC Science Show Listen

Podcasts on all sorts of topics
What the Duck
Nasty, Brutish, and Short - Adventures in Philosophy with My Kids by Scott Hershovitz

Nasty Brutish and Short

Listen to ABC Radio National - 29 May 2022 - talking with the author


With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community.
Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century.
Scratch is designed, developed, and moderated by the Scratch Foundation, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a nonprofit organization. It is provided free of charge.

Teacher's Guide
Frog ID

Developed by the Australian Museum

What's that sound

"By recording a frog call with our app, FrogID, you can discover which frogs live around you and help us count Australia's frogs!"
CSIRO - Teacher Developed Resources

CSIRO Teacher Developed Resources

Only a few resources here at the moment - hopefully more to come.

CSIRO - Educator developed resources
A range of marine education resources developed by our Educator on Board alumni are available for free download.

Great for Science, Earth Sciences, Biology, Ecology, Taxonomy.
13 Resources listed November 2021.

Geography Resources [PDF]
Stage 5 & 6 NSW - Years 9 - 12
High SchoolSecondary

Catherine Hamlin

This Geography Teachers Association of NSW Bulletin contains a resource for learning about women in Ethiopia with fistula and the Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation. It was prepared by experienced Geography teacher and long time Hamlin volunteer, Lynne Acworth.
CSIRO - Indigenous Calendars

An old resource but an excellent one. 8 Calendars are available as PDFs to download and laminate.

CSIRO Indigenous Calendars

SBS Learn

SBS Learn

Topics covered: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities & Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies, Health & Physical Education, Languages, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures,
Asia and Australia's Engagement with Asia

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

The Conversation

The Conversation

The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public.

Our team of professional editors work with university, CSIRO and research institute experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the wider public.

Access to independent, high-quality, authenticated, explanatory journalism underpins a functioning democracy. Our aim is to allow for better understanding of current affairs and complex issues. And hopefully allow for a better quality of public discourse and conversations.

On the Job uses this website articles to encourage deep thinking by students. The articles can be used by students in Years 7 - 12.

 MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

Look at "How to use The Conversation in the Classroom" added July 2021

Australian Eggs - Education

Australian Eggs

Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies, Health and Physical Education.
There are lessons for Primary students (K - 6) [6 lessons] as well as Secondary (7 - 10) [4 lessons].
Each lesson is downloadable and extensive.

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle 
Try Engineering

Try Engineering

This website contains a range of resources with lesson plans
Click here to see the range of lesson plans [PDF - 16 pages; shows content; and, targeted age]

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary
Atlas of Living Australia

Get your students to look up the species in their area. Select : Explore your area and put in your address and up comes all the species! Fascinating!

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary

Atlas of Living Australia


Students can observe, record and add to this database. A great way to become a Citizen Scientist

PrimaryPrimary MiddleMiddle  High SchoolSecondary


ABC's Big Ideas 9 June 2020

Big Ideas

"Confirmation bias. It’s enemy number one of all balanced and evidence-based debate. This urge to believe what you’re already convinced of, regardless of the facts.
The solution is ‘critical thinking’ – the skill to discern emitted variables and wrong causalities, to look at all sides of an issue.
And then to align your point of view with the evidence."

Critical Thinking presented by Gresham College. April 22, 2020.

Alex Edmans - Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Business at Gresham College, Professor of Finance at London Business School
Duration: 54min 5sec
Broadcast: Tue 9 Jun 2020, 8:05pm

Ockham's Razor: 26 July 2020
We need to open science up to everyone

Ockham's Razor

Associate Professor Alice Motion
Head - Science Communication Outreach, Particiipation and Education (SCOPE) Research Group, School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney

Alice speaks of a program allowing and encouraging students to be citizen scientists and contribute to real research.

Ockham's Razor - Index - Full of amazing podcasts. Go explore!
The Philosopher's Zone

The Philosopher's Zone
4 Corners 4 July 2016 - Future Proof  Video

4 Corners

There are startling and credible predictions that more than five million Australian jobs will simply disappear in the next 15 years, as a result of technology. That's 40% of the jobs that exist in Australia today.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Answering that question is only going to get harder as many of the jobs our kids will do haven't been invented yet. And if parents believe that steering their kids towards "safe" professions like accountancy will guarantee them a job, they're in for a shock.

This Working Life - ABC Radio National

This Working Life

A brilliant maths by inquiry Australian website. "This is an innovative national program that promotes relevant and engaging mathematics teaching and learning from K - 10. It is a collaboration of the Australian Academy of Science & the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers." (Website)

I have seen it in action - Reconciliation & Mathematics - a wonderful and different way to teach Reconciliation! (Frances Moore)


Unstacked - State Library of NSW


Here is The Conversation about "Unstacked": 28 April 2017

It is a webpage that updates to show what items people are accessing from the State Library of NSW’s collection. When people look at a collection item, it pops up on Unstacked. It is essentially a window into the collection, and an insight into what people are interested in at any given time.

The Conversation

ABC's Landline


This show has many examples of people within jobs from Beekeepers to Inventors to Farmers to Scientists. The Archive is extensive and has shows from 2000 to June 2017.

We have used this website in a lot of Activities throughout On the Job. This website allows students to see points of view in a detailed way.

Behind the News [BTN]


Behind the News (more commonly known as BTN) is an educational news program aimed at 10-13 year old kids. It unpacks and explains news and current affairs to young people in a dynamic and creative way.

A range of opinions are presented so students gain a greater awareness of differing points of view. Through watching BTN Classroom, students increase their understanding of complex political, economic, environmental and social issues.

University of Melbourne, Grainger Museum: Teaching with Unique Collections

High SchoolSecondary TeacherTeacher


The Library of University of Melbourne has developed teaching strategies for 48 objects (2020). Examples include Life on the Victorian Goldfields; to a Portrait of Arthur Streeton by Henry Walter Barnett; to Bushrangers by William Strutt; to a Lock of Hair belonging to Hans Christian Andersen.

Each object has a range of ideas and the PDF is downloadable.

Jane Hart's Top Tools for Learning

This UK website tallies up votes from teachers around the world about learning tools. September is the results month for the year.

Jane Hart Top Tools for Learning
On the

On the
On the Wards

 High SchoolSecondary

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